Monday 11 July 2011

That Sunday feeling...

Check out the hover fly in action!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you've had a nice weekend full of sunshine and outdoorsy adventures. The weekend here at casa Made in Suisse has been a bit of a funny one.

I have suffered from a long bout of sadness all day  on Saturday and was one Celine Dion song away from having a meltdown. However nice it has been to move top Switzerland and create a new life for ourselves, it can be difficult sometimes to find yourself in a place where you don't have any friends and don't know many people. So I dragged myself around most of yesterday and tried to stay active in order to avoid starting to feel too miserable for myself. One positive outcome is that the house is tidy and clean for the in-laws to come and visit on Thursday and that I finally got around to making some chutney.

On Sunday, both Mr T and I suffered from that Sunday feeling which wasn't helped by the big storms and rain which we have had a lot of recently (nice weather comes at a price!). We did manage to go and have a swim in the morning and came across some of the participants of Zurich Iron Man competition on their bike race coming through Uetikon.

On a positive note, we do have visitors next week for a week which will be very nice. I also have a job interview in Bern at the end of the month!! After months of looking and applying for research jobs here, this is the first positive development. I am busy preparing the presentation I will give on the day and meeting a deadline for submitting a grant proposal at the end of the month too.

So, it isn't all grim!


ashleeelevin said...

oooh oooh ooooh whats the job interview? congrats - i shall keep my fingers most defo crossed!

Lucy in the Clouds said...

Sundays ar funny old days - hope you're feeling better now. Amazing action shot of the hoverfly! x

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