Tuesday 4 October 2011

A job long overdue...

Shame finally got hold of me on Sunday...

As someone who regularly posts on here about her sewing (granted I am no expert but I manage!), I spent the last 8 months staring at these every single day:

What's wrong with these I hear you say? Well, IKEA made these curtains absolutely fine (if not a bit long). They are not the world's best looking curtains but they do the job of obstructing the view onto the neighbours' balcony.

But look a little closer... first to the side panels then to the ones in the middle...No, this isn't a clever optical illusion...the ones in the middle ARE longer than the sides one. You need proof??

Here it is!

I wasn't drunk or stonned when making these but it turned out that neither of the 4 panels were the same length  after I cut them (I measured them on Sunday; 120/122/123 and 124 cm!!) and "hemmed" them using interfacing and an iron. I was so mad with myself (and yet so not bothered to do something about it) that the curtains stayed up. It has been an eyesore (and a source of endless entertainement for my mother and mother-in-law) ever since.

The landlady actually paid for the curtains and since we are moving out in 3 weeks, I started feeling guilty about leaving the silly-looking curtains behind, for them to be an eyesore for another innocent couple. So on Sunday...8 months later...I finally took them down to measure them all up again and make a proper hem with the sewing machine. I am ashamed to say this didn't even take me an hour...that was extreme laziness on my part not to have sorted them before.

That's a long overdue job well done!

Am I the only one putting silly easy tasks off?

1 comment:

Expat with Kids said...

Well done. I am in the middle of trying to get curtains for my 3 m tall Parisian windows. All 8 of them !!!!

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